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How can I order my Meal Plan or Flex Plan?

1. Create a Campus Dish account using your official UKY.EDU email address (it is not connected to your linkBlue.)
2. Go to Meal Plans.
3. Select a meal plan that works best for you and add it to the cart.
4. Check out.
Please allow 5-7 business days for all changes to reflect on your myUK student account.

Orders must be placed using a UKY or BCTC email address. Orders without this criteria will be cancelled upon review.

How can I change my Meal Plan or Flex Plan?

1. Create a Campus Dish account using your official UKY.EDU email address (it is not connected to your linkBlue.)
2. Go to Meal Plans.
3. Select a meal plan that works best for you and add it to the cart.
4. Check out.

The new ordered plan will replace the old plan. After January 11th, 2025 Meal Plans will be prorated. 

Flex Plans, Block Plans, and Create Your Own Plans are given at full value. 

Please allow 5-7 business days for all changes to reflect on your myUK student account.

ONE upgrade per semester, which can be done any time during the semester. ONE downgrade is permitted per semester prior to September 1, 2024 for fall and January 25, 2025 for spring.  Downgrades will not be accepted after these dates.

How do I pay for my Meal Plan?

All Meal Plans purchased by enrolled UK students will be applied to your student bill

How do I access my Meals or Flex Dollars?

Meal Swipes and Flex Dollars will be loaded on your UK WildCard ID to use. Student Spring plans start January 11th, 2025.

How do I view my Meals Swipes or Flex Dollar usage & balances?

Usage & balances may be viewed through: myUK account/Student Services/Financials/Flex, Meals, CatCash. This takes you to the GET program/login with your linkBlue.

For on-the-go; balances check, usage and lost card deactivation or reactivation:
1. Download GET Mobile app by The Cbord Group
2. Pick the University of Kentucky
3. Sign in with your linkBlue /GET Funds/My Accounts

Where can I use my Meal Swipes?

Meal swipes refer to meals that can be used at Champions Kitchen and Fresh Food Company, our two all-you-care-to-eat dining halls. One meal swipe will gain you one entry into either of these locations. Both all-you-care-to-eat dining locations provide the opportunity to choose a meal specifically tailored to your dietary needs with a variety of options all in one place.

How do Flex Dollars work?

Flex Dollars are like a debit card for food on campus. They are attached to your student ID card and are accepted at all UK Dining locations in a dollar-for-dollar transaction.  Running low? No problem! You can reload Add-On Flex anytime throughout the semester using a credit card with no service fee.

Will my Meal Plan and Flex Plan auto renew for next semester? 

Meal Plans and Flex Plans are annual contracts and are billed per academic term. The same fall plan will automatically be rebilled in the spring. However, a student can change plans to whichever plan is better for them on this website or in person at UK Dining Center.

Will Meals Swipes and Flex Dollars expire or roll-over from Fall to Spring? 

Meal Swipes do not roll-over. Unused Flex Dollars will roll-over from the Fall Semester to the Spring Semester, if you have an active Spring Plan. All Unused Flex Dollars and Meal Swipes expire on last day of the Spring Semester May 9, 2025. Rollover Flex is not refunded if you withdraw from the university.